
Credits for winter semester:

Students are expected to obtain credit at the end of each term. The conditions for the credit are as follows:

Maximally 2 absences are tolerated in each term if there is an appropriate reason stated by the student - those absentees leaving out more than 2 courses will have to pass an extended (examined) individual credit before the end of a term.

Activity index (optional)

The knowledge from the semester is going to be regularly monitored via virtual platform Kahoot! Such a feature allows teachers to test the students through quiz questions, which should be answered online by students during the very training itself, using their electronic devices. The questions are going to be regarded to the topics from previous lectures and seminars. The platform consequently allows statistically analyzing and saving answers from each student individually. To obtain the credit, each student has to reach at least 60% of correct answers at average at the end of semester. The aim of testing the students is to encourage continuous studying and to give you feed-back about the range of your knowledge of pathology. However, this system of activity index is fully optional. Students, who cannot or do not want to participate in Kahoot! testing for any reason, are going to be examined at the end of the semester from all discussed topics instead.

Credit examination

In case the student does not obtain 60 % in the activity index and/or leaves more than 2 courses, he/she will be examined by the head of the department (or substitute teacher) from any topics discussed during the whole semester. The exam will be held during the last week of the semester – the exact date is going to be updated during the semester. If the student fails the exam, he/she won’t be given the credit.

There is no other way to obtain credit for the winter semester.


Credits for summer semester:

Students are expected to obtain credit at the end of each term. The conditions for the credit are as follows:

The rules are similar as during the winter semester - maximally 2 absences are tolerated in each term if there is an appropriate reason stated by the student - those absentees leaving out more than 2 courses will have to pass an extended (examined) individual credit before the end of a term.

Activity index (optional)

The rules are the same as during the winter semester. 

Created: 23. 9. 2021 / Modified: 20. 9. 2022 / Responsible person: MUDr. Jan Balko, Ph.D.