Lecture Relocation
Lecture Relocation:
In the summer semester, after consultation with the study department, there will be a relocation of lectures for international students of the General Medicine study program.
Clinical weeks
In March starting this week (5.03.) we will have clinical weeks - laboratory parts, to which we attach organizational information.
Change in the microscopy practical session
The microscopy practical session using the Kahoot! platform will take place this week (on Wednesday, December 18th) in the Small Study Room of our department. The subsequent seminar will be held as usual in the Large Study Room.
A change in sylab
The lecture P40 on the 29th March is going to be cancelled due to the holiday (Easter Friday). However, it will be shifted on April the 4th at 8:00-11:15 (in SP2) and merged with the lecture P41.
Clinical weeks
In March starting this week (4.03-8.03) we will have clinical weeks - laboratory parts, to which we attach organizational information.
Welcome in the new semester
We welcome students of the 3rd year in the summer semester of pathology!
Welcome in the new semester
We welcome fresh students of the 3rd year in the new semester of pathology!
Discussion - Q&A
The Discussion club - Q&A is going to take place on Wednesday at 12:35 at our Department.
Exam slides - instructional videos
We have prepared instructional videos for our Exam slides, featuring Vira Tovazhnianska, M.D., Ph.D.
Welcome in the new semester
We welcome our students in summer semester which is going to be modified due to a number of external influences. Therefore we provide you with additional information regarding all the changes which are going to take place.
Reconstruction - teaching at the autopsy tract
Because of ongoing reconstruction of the windows at our department, the practical lessons will have to take place at the autopsy tract (pavilion no. 11).
Reconstruction of our lecture-room
The complete reconstruction of our lecture-room has been completed!
Welcome to the new web
Welcome to the new web page of the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and Motol University Hospital!